Monday, September 19, 2016

AFP stands firm on “no ransom paid” for Sekkingstad, et al’s release

Florante Rosales via RH News

PHILIPPINES - The Armed Forces of the Philippines remains firm that the intense pressure coming from the military operations paved the way for the release of Norwegian kidnap victim Kjartan Sekkingstad and three Indonesian fishermen in Sulu, by the Abu Sayyaf Group.

According to Joint Task Force Sulu Commander Brig. Gen. Arnel dela Vega, the ASG were forced to release their victims because of the continuous offensive operations of the military.

Dela Vega added that the ASG decided to release Sekkingstad because they were being held down from immediately making an escape.

Meanwhile, Indonesian fishermen Lorens Koten, Teodurus Kofung and Emmanuel were freed on Sunday by the said rebel group.

The three fishermen were abducted in Lahad Datu, Sabah last July 9.

AFP Chief of Staff General Ricardo Visaya said that the AFP will not stop with its intensified operations against the Abu Sayyaf Group.

“We will continue to forge the support and cooperation of the local residents who will ultimately benefit from the success of these operations,” quipped Visaya.
(with DZRH )

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