Thursday, September 15, 2016

Trillanes seeks subpoena for Davao Vice Mayor Paolo Duterte, Davao death squad members

Photo credit:
Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV
Photo credit: | By Kristine dela Cruz via RH News

Manila, Philippines - Senator Antonio Trillanes IV has asked for the Senate to subpoena Davao City Vice Mayor Paolo Duterte and the alleged members of the Davao Death Squad, mentioned by the witness, Edgar Matobato in today’s hearing at the Senate.

However, Senator Alan Peter Cayetano immediately quashed Trillanes’ request and insisted that the Senate should first send and invitation to the Vice Mayor to attend the Senate hearing before issuing a subpoena.

In line with this, Senator Leila De Lima, chairperson of the Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights and Public Order, that they will be sending the said official and invitation to attend next week’s hearing so that he can air his side regarding the accusation against him by Matobato.

Prior to this, Matobato, claiming to be a former security escort of Vice Mayor Paolo, revealed that the Davao Vice Mayor has ordered the killing of Cebuano businessman Richard King.

The witness also claimed that the younger Duterte allegedly uses illegal drugs, but denied any knowledge if the Vice Mayor is also a drug pusher or seller.

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