Thursday, September 15, 2016

Lawyer claims Veloso’s execution will only be stopped if case is filed against her in PHL court.

Mary Jane Veloso once again to wait for her fate  whether to be executed or permanently be spared. (Screen grabbed from internet)
Mary Jane Veloso

Mary Jane Veloso’s execution will only be stopped if there is a case that will be filed against her in Philippine court.

Atty. Howard Areza of the Public Attorney’s Office made the clarification amid inquiries on whether or Mary Jane will be spared from being executed in Indonesia.

Areza said that the illegal recruiters of Veloso were just used by the former Aquino administration to delay the Filipina convict’s execution last April 2015.

Areza added that there is no truth behind the illegal recruiters’ claim that they are members of the drug syndicate.

Meanwhile, President Rodrigo Duterte during his recent speech at the Villamore Air Base said that he will respect whatever decision the Indonesian court will have regarding Veloso’s case.
President Duterte said that he will not meddle with Veloso’s case because he is currently focused on his administration’s war against illegal drugs.

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