Thursday, September 29, 2016

DND launches the second largest frigate that PHL acquired from Indonesia

(photo by DZRH Henri Uri)
Photo by Henri Uri | By Rita Salonga via RH News

MANILA - The second largest frigate bought by the Philippines from Indonesia was presented to the media on Thursday.

The said frigate was given a new name of BRP Davao Del Sur (LD602), which was headed by Philippine Ambassador to Indonesia Maria Lumen Isleta.

The new ship was named after Davao Del Sur, which serves as a sanctuary of the natural wonders including the highest peak in the country, Mt. Apo, the Philippine Orchid Vanda Sanderiana and the endangered Philippine Eagle.

The new ship is expected to be delivered to the Philippines by 2017 and will serve as a floating command and control in conducting humanitarian assistance and disaster response, and as a military sealift and transport vessel.

The two frigates bought by the Philippines worth Php4 Billion from the Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Act Trust Fund.

Present during the launch were Defense Usec. Ricaro David and Raymundo Elefante, AFP Vice-Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gregorio Miranda, Navy Vice-Commander Rear Admiral Rafael Mariano.
Also at the launch were Rear Admiral Bayani Gaerlan-Commander of the Philippine Fleet, Commodore Virme Torralba-Commander of the Naval Sea Systems Command and Capt. Adelius Bordado, incoming Commander of the Sealift Amphibious Force.
(with Florante Rosales)

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