Sunday, March 15, 2015

Recto: Palace must explain US role in Mamasapano in order to define accountabilities



MANILA – Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto on Sunday asked the Executive department to explain the actual participation of the US government in the botched Mamasapano incident.
Recto said he is not against the help being provided by US and other foreign nations in conducting operations against known terrorists, but stressed that “the Palace should send somebody to Congress to explain the protocols provided in agreements entered into with foreign governments.”

“Let me clarify: I do not object to the American's assistance in hunting down terrorists, but in this particular case it seems the US role was extraordinary. Up to what extent can we allow them to play a role?" Recto asked.

That's why, he added, lawmakers need to be clarified on "what are the protocols when it comes to foreign governments assisting in an operation.”

He said it is very clear to him that the US did not only extend intelligence on Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir, alias Marwan, but that Washington provided the police Special Action Force (SAF) equipment and training.

“Because it is clear to me, this wasn't just assistance in providing intelligence; we were given equipment. They trained SAF, but why not the army? Why not a composite team, why not half-SAF, half-Army? Then maybe there would be no problem in coordination,” Recto said.

Reports indicated that after the operations, US military personnel were helping the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) retrieve bodies of the dead police commandos using American choppers.

“The Executive should explain that to the Senate. In those agreements they signed without Senate ratification, there should be protocols; everything should be clear so we understand up to what point is the accountability,” Recto said.

US dictating SAF?

Recto expressed belief that the Americans were “dictating” on the SAF officers manning the tactical operations center during the actual operations in Mamasapano.

“Like in this case, we know they were the ones who claimed Marwan's finger; we know they were in the command center; we know they helped retrieve the bodies - that's okay with me," Recto said, but wondered why "we couldn't get the bodies on our own."

With this, Recto urged the Palace to send an official well-versed on the subject to the Senate or even a letter explaining the real role of the US in the Mamasapano incident.

US dictated 'Time on Target'?

Recto also suspects that the US may have dictated on the SAF to initiate the “time on target” scheme and refrain from coordinating with AFP.

“I ask this: is it possible the 'time on target' idea came from the Americans. Look at thie situation: the PNP did not coordinate with the AFP but they coordinated with the Americans; there's somethinng amiss there," Recto said.

“Is it possible it's the Americans who told the PNP not to coordinate with the AFP because on their view some of the elements of the AFP are sleeping with the enemy?” he added.

He said these questions deserved answers because so many lives were lost at Mamasapano.

Not drone, but real airplane

Meanwhile, Recto said said there was no drone used to monitor the situation, but a real airplane was hovering over Mamasapano during the actual operations.

By using a real airplane during the operations, Recto said the tactical operation center would have seen the elite forces were being killed one by one in Mamasapano, which prompted them to ask for artillery support.

He said it is also possible that the Americans who went to the command center were the ones who told the PNP that artillery support was badly needed.

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