Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Gamiaw Editorial: Globe provides crappy and unfriendly services

Globe provides crappy and unfriendly services
By: Ram Lopez

By now, you might have already know that the Philippines is the only Country in South-East Asia being left behind its telephone and internet service because of its pricey and metered-like internet connections provided by its ISPs (Internet Service Providers).

It isn't a secret for every Pinoys that this Industry is one amongst the monopolized businesses in this Country, that's why these Companies - PLDT and Globe with its Tattoo flagship can freely decide how to implement and provide their services, assigned add-on fees on top of their so called Monthly Service or Subscription Fees and unprofessionally respond to customer’s queries, more so with complaints. And since monopolized, and the people do not have alternative options they are left in this scene - to deal and accept the Company’s unfriendly, unprofessional and unacceptable manner.

Last week, we were five (5) days without phone and internet connections. This is in spite of up-to-date and advance payments with them. We called Globe Tattoo Customer Service line several times starting Wednesday last week, May 18 via its 7031000 line and spoke with few Customer Service Reps who from time to time is providing different information, and who in an unfortunate manner did not provide and cannot really provide the repair and up time of the problem. The worst is they cannot really provide what the problem was! The first Representative I spoke with says the problem was a network issue, which for me appeared to be very general, So, I asked for the exact problem, but she cannot really provide the information I was asking. what she only relayed is that if it's over twenty-four (24) hours and the problem is not fixed, we will have bill rebates, that’s what I get from her. They are trained to pacify customer’s anger in an unfriendly manner, threating their customer’s like an innocent child if not an idiot ones asking for something but in return the poor child gets the opposite and a different thing. This is how poor their trainings are. And that is what you’ll experience when you call them. Threating you like a damn ignorant one! Of course we want our bills credited/adjusted for the day(s) we weren’t able to use the service that’s a fact, so you don’t highlight that to your customers when in the first place they are entitled for it!

The next day, we called again as we badly needed to update you all with the news reports that we are getting, but to our dismay we still can't, because the unknown problem of this Company is still up, unresolved! You called to get information but you ended pissed-off without getting any useful information which might at least put you at ease. For the second time, I asked for an update be sent to me via text message or if they can call me but I ended up not outraged for not receiving any of these from them. This is how terrible their Customer Service is!

The third day, I called again and by that time was requesting for a technician be sent so we can check if the problem is just in our end, but was scrupulously declined as by that time was informed that the problem is identified and it was in their cabinet. Really Globe, you claim to be the number 1, but took you three (3) days to figure that out and two (2) more days to resolve it?

Take note, this is not just the only instance where we encountered this horrible service, almost every month you get to experience this network issues. Is someone sabotaging Globe operations? Or are they just playing with their customers? You get to take note that, these network issues aren’t adjusted on your bills if you don’t call them to remind and or advise them that you had this same issue. Tsk tsk tsk!

One of my friends Mark also expressed his frustrations with this Company. He accordingly spoke with Supervisor Akin (We don't know if he was provided with the right name of the CS Supervisor) and was promised to get an apology letter from the Management as he had to present it to his employer.

Mark is a freelance Virtual Assistance, he worked and is working at home, and his works and daily income greatly depends on these ISPs services. If these Companies like Globe will be very lousy in providing their services, Mark will end up getting fired and worst will be held liable for the Company losses for not meeting his target. This is just one of the many things that these Companies more so with Globe Tattoo or Globe Telecom is not looking into nor considering. As long as their getting their monthly payments it’ll be business as usual for them (Globe).

We were just saddened by the news that negotiations between Australia's giant - Telstra and San Miguel Corporation did not really prosper as that was our chance to get rid of these unsatisfactory service we're getting from our ISP. By now, we are looking into switching over to its competitor as they have higher speed offering and higher data monthly allowances, if you are not subscribed on their fibr plans. Unlike with Globe where every month you get to experience their network issues plus every other month they are decreasing their monthly data allowance yet giving you the same crappy services.

To the Management of Globe Tattoo, Globe Telecom and Innove Telecom, whoever is in charge in checking and improving the quality of your service, act now before its late. Be considerate and pay respect to the people feeding you! - give us what we are paying for! - give the service we truly deserve! We would like to give your people a highlight on this - double time and do everything you can to please your customers, they are the reason why you all are there. You are committed to perform and serve your customers. If the problem arises today, fix it within the day! We are not just after the rebates or bill adjustments that your people are saying we depend and demand great service and that is what you Globe people owe to the public! 

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