Friday, May 27, 2016

Gamiaw Bulletin - Mata ng Halalan: OFFICIAL #Halalan Result: Duterte won the Presidency while Robredo wins VP post

Meet the Philippines 16th President Rodrigo Duterte and New VP Leni Robredo

As Congress finished its canvassing of votes for the Presidential and Vice Presidential races, the result for the Presidential post further solidifies the win of presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte.
After tallying 167 certificates of canvass, Duterte wins the presidential race by a landslide with 16,601,997 votes.

Liberal party standard bearer Mar Roxas followed as a distant second with 9,978,175 votes; Senator Grace Poe with 9,100,991; Vice President Jejomar Binay with 5,416,140 and Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago with 1,455,532 votes. The late Roy Seneres, whose name remained in the official ballot, got 25,779 votes.

Durterte will be the country’s 16th president.

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Leni Robredo, on the night of her late husband, Jesse Robredo’s birthday emerged as the winner in the controversial Vice Presidential race.

Robredo got 14,418,817 votes, against the 14,155,344 votes of Senator Bongbong Marcos Jr.
The Vice presidential race has been peppered with much controversy as the Marcos camp claims that they were cheated and have asked that they will be given a chance to conduct a system audit.
According to Marcos’ legal team, they will seek the COMELEC’s permission for their own IT experts to conduct a system audit to figure out the extent of changes that the SMARTMATIC did when they change the hash code of the data packet in the COMELEC’s transparency server during election day.

Source: Pilipinas Halalan Result form COMELEC's server

Meanwhile, Robredo is currently in Naga City to witness the launching of a bust in honor in honor of her late husband Jesse.  Jesse was Naga City’s former mayor before assuming the post of Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government, under the Aquino administration.
Incidentally, a massive party is set to happen on June 4, dubbed as “One Love, One Nation” at the Crocodile Park in Davao City, as supporters gather to celebrate the victory of Duterte.

On the other hand, below are the proclaimed winning Senatorial Candidates:

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