Monday, December 26, 2016

NATION | De Lima asks for 'miracle' in Christmas wish for Duterte

In this July 25, 2016 file photo, political opposites President Rodrigo Duterte and Sen. Leila De Lima greet before he delivers his first State of the Nation Address. PPD/King Rodriguez and Kristian Javier via Philstar

Manila, Philippines — Sen. Leila De Lima is asking for a "miracle" this Christmas directed to her political nemesis, President Rodrigo Duterte.

"I wish for a Christmas miracle where the President orders an end to all summary executions, whether by police or by the death squads roaming our streets, especially during this season of hope and salvation with the coming of the Saviour to our home and to our families," De Lima said in a statement on Monday.

The senator also wished for the president to "full control of his faculties" to give the "gift of Nativity" by respecting every Filipino's right to live.

"May the Holy Spirit and the Son and the Father also visit President Duterte and his family and bless them with the gift of life," De Lima said.

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She also wished that the first family have "kindness and compassion" to others.

Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas, meanwhile, said the ugliness of summary killings scars the beauty of Christmas.

“Christmas comes to us as a feast of beauty, but we are not blind and numb to the ugliness that has come upon us,” Villegas said in his pastoral message titled "Feast of Beauty and Hope."

"We have Christmas, but there is blood spilling on our streets and sidewalks," Villegas added.

The Duterte administration has repeatedly denied having a hand in the extrajudicial killings involved in the campaign against illegal narcotics. More than 6,000 people have been killed in police operations and vigilante killings, among others, since Duterte assumed presidency in June.

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